Category: Main

West Midlands Egyptology Society Conference 2018

My colleague Tess Baber and I will be presenting a joint paper at the WMES Conference in November this year. The conference will take place between 17-18th November 2018 at the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, Birmingham. More conference details can be found here Title: Tourism of the Dead: Ancient Tourists, Pilgrims & Early…

British Egyptology Congress 4

I shall be presenting a paper at the Egypt Exploration Society BEC4 this September in Manchester. Details of the event can be found here The abstract for my paper, which is currently scheduled for the afternoon of Saturday 8th, is as follows: Affordances and entanglement—a new perspective of the sacred landscape of Late Period/Early…

PhD completion

I sat my PhD Viva last week and was awarded a pass without corrections. Four years of hard work have paid off. A big thank you goes out to all of the people who have assisted in one way or another throughout this period. Watch this space for the next stage of the project….

Bloomsbury Summer School

I delivered two lectures at the Bloomsbury Summer School yesterday and wanted to thank all of the students who attended. The session was extremely enjoyable, as was discussion with the students both before and afterwards. I would also like to direct my appreciation to Lidija Mcknight, Iwona Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin and Lucia Gahlin.

Learning to read Egyptian hieroglyphs…again!

Over the past several weeks I have been attending another course on learning to read Egyptian hieroglyphs. Once again organised by the fantastic Kemet Klub, this Wednesday evening brain teaser is taught by Maiken Mosleth King of Bristol University. The course began with a sedate introduction to the basic alphabet and various signs, then we…

It may have been quiet on the blog front, but summer and autumn have been productive.

I realise that the last blog entry was made way back in July and all things Digital Saqqara have subsequently been quiet. However, since then the 3D model has been refined and adjusted and the research and writing of my thesis has continued apace. Investigating the digital model for the Late Period/Early Ptolemaic landscape of…

Completing the digital landscape model

The digital landscape model of Saqqara is complete and the final modifications of the Late Period representation are almost concluded. A few minor additions and tweaks will be implemented in the coming days. I have added the estimated size and location of the Lake of Pharaoh as it may have appeared during the Late Period….

A Visit to (Ancient) Egypt

Last month I was fortunate enough to once again have the opportunity to undertake fieldwork at Saqqara. It was a shorter visit than the team had originally planned, but was a productive season nonetheless. We managed to complete our field tasks for the Catacombs of Anubis project (under the direction of Professor Paul Nicholson of…

Archaeological Review from Cambridge

My paper examining the digital reconstruction of a sacred landscape through the use of archive materials is due for imminent publication in the Archaeological Review from Cambridge, Volume 31.2: Landscapes. The journal will be available to purchase from here: Abstract The Digital Saqqara Project is undertaking extensive archival research in order to digitally reconstruct…

Learning to read Egyptian hieroglyphs

This past weekend I attended a two-day course in an attempt to begin to learn how to read hieroglyphics. The course was organised by Ali and Josie of the Kemet Klub (with assistance from Aidan Dodson) and was presented by Bill Manley. It was a fascinating and productive weekend, from which I learned a great…