Month: July 2018

West Midlands Egyptology Society Conference 2018

My colleague Tess Baber and I will be presenting a joint paper at the WMES Conference in November this year. The conference will take place between 17-18th November 2018 at the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, Birmingham. More conference details can be found here Title: Tourism of the Dead: Ancient Tourists, Pilgrims & Early…

British Egyptology Congress 4

I shall be presenting a paper at the Egypt Exploration Society BEC4 this September in Manchester. Details of the event can be found here The abstract for my paper, which is currently scheduled for the afternoon of Saturday 8th, is as follows: Affordances and entanglement—a new perspective of the sacred landscape of Late Period/Early…

PhD completion

I sat my PhD Viva last week and was awarded a pass without corrections. Four years of hard work have paid off. A big thank you goes out to all of the people who have assisted in one way or another throughout this period. Watch this space for the next stage of the project….

Bloomsbury Summer School

I delivered two lectures at the Bloomsbury Summer School yesterday and wanted to thank all of the students who attended. The session was extremely enjoyable, as was discussion with the students both before and afterwards. I would also like to direct my appreciation to Lidija Mcknight, Iwona Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin and Lucia Gahlin.

PhD thesis submission

My PhD thesis ‘Visualising a complex ritual landscape: Gaining a new perspective on the Late Period/Early Ptolemaic sacred landscape of North Saqqara through the application of digital technologies’ is now submitted. For those who are interested, a summary of the work follows: Summary The Late Period (747–332 BC)/Early Ptolemaic (332–30 BC) monuments at the necropolis of…