Category: Off-topic

PhD thesis submission

My PhD thesis ‘Visualising a complex ritual landscape: Gaining a new perspective on the Late Period/Early Ptolemaic sacred landscape of North Saqqara through the application of digital technologies’ is now submitted. For those who are interested, a summary of the work follows: Summary The Late Period (747–332 BC)/Early Ptolemaic (332–30 BC) monuments at the necropolis of…

Glossy black mastaba tombs

When visualising my landscape model I make use of Autodesk Infraworks 360, a comprehensive infrastructure design suite used to create and render data-rich 3D models. With the latest release of the software I had begun to notice that structure models created in CAD were rendering as a glossy black when imported as DWG data sources…

Autodesk software and Windows 10 – a cautionary tale

The upgrade to Windows 10 notification had been bothering my laptop and workstation for a while so I decide to do some research to determine if it was in my interests to upgrade my OS at this point in time. The general consensus appeared to be that Windows 10 was a vast improvement upon Windows…