I realise that the last blog entry was made way back in July and all things Digital Saqqara have subsequently been quiet. However, since then the 3D model has been refined and adjusted and the research and writing of my thesis has continued apace. Investigating the digital model for the Late Period/Early Ptolemaic landscape of North Saqqara has been a productive undertaking. Employing the 3D model as the epistemological tool it was intended to be, I have constructed a new mixed-media landscape narrative account for this period, aimed at understanding the interrelationships of the Sacred Animal Monuments within their landscape setting. Work continues, but for the time being here is a 3D snapshot of the view of the Serapeum Dromos made famous by Barbot.

The original Barbot drawing of the Serapeum Dromos and the 3D digital reconstruction of the same scene.

The original Barbot drawing of the Serapeum Dromos (Ray 1976, Plate I) and the 3D digital reconstruction of the same scene.



Ray, J.D. 1976. The Archive of Hor. London: The Egypt Exploration Society.