Tag: Conference

British Association of Near Eastern Archaeology

The British Association of Near Eastern Archaeology conference is being held at the Schools of Archaeology History, and Anthropology and Classics at Lampeter (University of Wales Trinity Saint David) from January 6th-January 8th 2016 (http://www.banea2016.org/). My paper ‘(Re)constructing the sacred landscape of Saqqara’ has been accepted for the Sacred Landscapes session. (Re)constructing the sacred landscape…

Digital Past 2016

The Digital Past 2016 conference will be held in Llandudno on February 10th and 11th. Visit the website for more details: http://digitalpast2016.blogspot.co.uk/. I will be attending and presenting the following paper: Digital Saqqara – from bits of paper to bytes of data Traditionally Egyptologists have relied upon their extensive knowledge of published literature to understand…